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Fleetbase Change Log

Fleetbase Newsfeed & Changelog


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€

AGPL v3 License Migration

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Urgent patch for customer resolving for waypoints in fleetops


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Improved integration of storefront and fleetops
  • Ability to create storefront orders from fleetops


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Bugfixes in fleetops for driver creation via app
  • Bugfixes in core chat resources
  • Minor bugfixes and patches
  • Patch on <CoordinatesInput />


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Dependency Upgrades
  • UX Improvements
  • Resource Import via Spreadsheet functionality
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Full implementation and improvements for Export of all resources in FleetOps and IAM
  • UI/UX Styling Improvements
  • Improvements to core services


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patch for <FileIcon /> component to handle uploaded files


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Ability to assign/assosciate vehicles to order
  • Ability to assign customer to a waypoint
  • Added orders tab to driver details panel
  • Patched email verification (added button/link in email) fixed transition to verify email
  • Expanded searchable trait with ability to add additional query in search scope
  • Improved order search
  • UI/UX Improvements
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Adds company identifier for User JSON response


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Critical hotfix for UserResource and cache handling
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Added APIs:
    • Chat Channel Consumable API: Handles real-time chat functionalities.
    • File Upload Consumable API: Supports uploading and managing files.
  • Introduced new resources and caching:
    • New UserResource for enhanced data handling.
    • Model and Query Caching to improve database interaction speed.
    • Response Caching to expedite API responses.
    • Cache for System Configuration Settings to enhance system performance.
  • API and Profile Management Improvements:
    • Improved user account management for driver profiles.
    • Enhanced driver API and resource functionality.


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Additional Updates:
    • Applied several patches and improvements for better system reliability.
    • Newly generated Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) to reflect current database schema.


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Stability patches
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Added Chat to Console and API


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Refactored <GithubCard /> component to use cache for responses, as well as use concurrency
  • Added password verification to change email or password
  • Implemented a maximum password length restriction to enhance security.
  • Added rate limiting (throttling) to unauthenticated authentication routes to prevent abuse.
  • Introduced a new authentication route for verification code validation. This route is used in the frontend for password reset links and other scenarios requiring verification codes.
  • Added functionality to configure drivers onboard from the Navigator app. This enhancement allows for easier and more flexible driver setup.
  • Upgraded all core dependencies to improve system performance and stability.


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Make sure to invalidate password reset links on frontend
  • Fixed broken migration compatibility between older Fleetbase versions and newer setups. This primarily addresses the presence of model_id in legacy versions.


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • (fleetops v0.4.21) Improved the output formatting and readability of existing console commands.
  • (fleetops v0.4.21) Refactored distance matrix calculations to support different provider options.
  • (fleetops v0.4.21) Changed the default method for distance matrix calculations to use a vicinity algorithm instead of relying solely on the Google API.
  • (fleetops v0.4.21) Introduced a new console command for fixing invalid polymorphic relation types in the database.


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Implemented the queryForPublic() hook in HTTP filters to restrict access to organizational data in the API.
  • Added a new Navigator App setting in Admin for selecting editable entity fields for drivers.
  • Introduced getEditableEntityFields() API endpoint (/orders/{id}/editable-entity-field) to return fields editable by drivers for order entities.
  • Enhanced output for critical console commands related to order dispatch and adhoc dispatch.
  • Added schedule monitoring API
  • Added filter hook for public/consumable api request
  • (ember-core) Patched UniverseService method registerRenderableComponent() so that it initializes missing registry if component is being set to a registry that doesn't exist yet.
  • (ember-core) Added the applyContextComponentArguments() utility method and the contextComponentCallback() utility method as to be utilized throughout extensions


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Hotfix: Patched getDrivingDistanceAndTime() utility method.
  • Fixed basic authentication handler
  • Fixed avatar_value bug in the driver update process on internal API.
  • Improved file upload handling and improved error reporting for file uploads.


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Revamped service rates to integrate with the new order configuration system.
  • Enhanced activities to now support proof of delivery requirements.
  • Patched and improved the stringent validation for creating new orders.
  • Added a new column order_config_uuid to the service_rates table for better data management.
  • Various other minor improvements and optimizations for enhanced performance and stability.
  • Critical patch and improvement to location service
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • GCS Driver Installed by Default
  • Added GCS Configuration to Filesystem in Admin
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patched Order Config seeder for improved data seeding.
  • Fixed deletion process in Orde r Config management.
  • Enforced uniqueness for key and name in Order Config.
  • Upgraded various project dependencies.
  • Ensured default Order Config is created upon new Company creation.
  • Resolved Proof of Delivery (POD) issue in completion activity.
  • Fixed seeder autoload path for correct operation.
  • Corrected Order resource to use Order Config public ID.
  • Fixed Switching Organizations
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Added commercial license
  • Order config refactor
  • Storefront refactor
  • Added photo capture as proof of delivery method


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Several critical patches and fixes
  • Fix helm setup
  • Fix instance linking issue
  • Fixed stripe gateway checkout
  • Fixed QR code scan issues


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Hotfix: Upgraded core-api which fixes handling of static closure's from expandable class definitions
  • Hotfix: Upgraded fleetops which makes all expansion class definition methods static
  • Hotfix: Upgraded storefront which makes all expansion class definition methods static
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Hotfix: push notification credentials are stored and pulled from configured disk
  • Hotfix: disable ssl verify on curl request to google distance matrix api
  • Several critical storefront extension patches
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Hotfix: Removed addServerIpAsAllowedOrigin() method from service provider.
  • Hotfix: Fixed typo of company in assignCompany() method.
  • Hotfix: Fixed storing of push notification config as contents from file.
  • Hotfix: broken fleetops migrations
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • APN and Firebase Push Notifications Configuration: Streamlined the process to configure APN and Firebase push notifications, enhancing user convenience and efficiency.
  • Avatar Management: Introduced Avatar Management, enabling users to upload custom avatars for vehicles, places, or drivers, enriching the visual experience.
  • Order Route Editing: Implemented the functionality to edit order routes, offering increased flexibility and control in logistics management.
  • User Experience Enhancements:
  • Driver Details Panel: Upgraded the Driver Details Panel, providing a more intuitive and informative user experience.
  • Scheduler Interface: Enhanced the Scheduler interface, improving user interaction and operational efficiency.


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • File Resource and Filter: Added File resource definition and FileFilter to improve file management capabilities.
  • Category Creation Validation: Enhanced the validation process for Category creation, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
  • Places Creation API: Addressed and resolved issues in the Places Creation API, improving stability and reliability.
  • Category List for Storefront: Rectified issues in the Category List, ensuring smoother Storefront operations.
  • Gateway List for Storefront: Fixed problems in the Gateway List to enhance Storefront payment processing.
  • Cash on Delivery (COD) for Storefront: Resolved issues with the COD functionality, ensuring a seamless checkout experience for Storefront users.
  • Translation Keys for Storefront: Updated and refined several translation keys, enhancing language accuracy and user comprehension.
  • Reviews Section for Storefront: Improved the functionality of the Reviews section, enhancing user engagement and feedback mechanisms.
  • System Dependencies: Upgraded system dependencies to bolster security and performance.


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Feature: Added owner attribute to organization resource.
  • Feature: Implemented toArray method in Fleet-Ops notification definitions.
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Fix: Resolved admin organizations browser rendering issues.
  • Fix: Improved functionality of user observer.
  • Hotfix: Corrected bug in user onboarding registration process.
  • Hotfix: Patched event listeners in webhook request logs.


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Updated console Dockerfile to allow environment variables to be passed during build process
  • Added translations for improved user experience in operations such as create or join organizations and enabling two-factor authentication
  • Addressed issues with user creation functionality
  • Ensured that user information is accurately applied from request data during creation process
  • Corrected FCM notification messages to ensure reliable delivery
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Fixed issues in API configuration related to the CONSOLE_HOST environment variable
  • Applied patches to resolve issues encountered during the driver creation process
  • Resolved problems with webhooks and errors related to resource lifecycle events
  • Upgraded core-api to version 1.4.4 and fleetops to version 0.4.10, including critical patches for enhanced stability and security


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Upgrade dependencies for critical patches
  • Fix usage of verification code sms/email
  • Fix file support for gcs driver
  • Several other patches


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Upgraded core-api for api credential key generation patch


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Upgraded to fleetops to v0.4.8
  • Upgraded core-api to v1.4.1
  • Added official support for Sendgrid emails
  • Critical patch for fleetops LocationService
  • Critical patch for prioritizedCustomColumnFilter() on API model behaviour trait


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Upgraded to PHP 8.2 and Laravel 10x
  • Migrated to Caddy server
  • Introduced multi - customizable widget based dashboard
  • Several UX and functionality patches and fixes
  • Added organizations/users browser in Admin


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“

Lunar New Year Release!Β πŸ‘πŸ½ 🌝



New πŸš€
  • Ability to attach documents to orders
  • Ability to add comments to orders
  • Now notes and purchase rate now display on order view


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patch for driver to switch organizations
  • Critical patches and upgrades


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patches and improvements for UX
  • Patch fetching service quotes when creating order
  • Patch creating and editing service rates
  • Critical bugfixes
  • Update to helm infra


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Implemented Internationalization


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Implemented 2FA
  • Several critical patches and bugfixes


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ

Critical patches for user verification during onboard and driver creation and login


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Dropped all usage of extractCoordinates
  • Vehicles, drivers, and fleets viewable from sidebar
  • Improvements to authenticator and session service


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patch to authenticate driver sanctum tokens
  • Enforced email validation by default
  • Critical patches and improvements


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Upgraded dependencies
  • Critical patches for API and Fleetbase Core

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Upgraded core-api to 1.3.5 which contains critical hotfix
  • Removed deprecated transitionTo method from routes with router service transitionTo method
  • v0.3.4 by @roncodes in #176

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Upgraded fleetops to 0.3.7 which includes navigator/v1 routes
  • Improved navigator app settings

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Upgraded core-api to 1.3.4 which introduces patch on company model for missing place_uuid column
  • v0.3.3 by @roncodes in #175

Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • an now import multiple orders using latitude and longitude coordinates
  • Added Navigator App settings, which enable the new feature "Instance Linking" - This feature creates a special URL from your Fleetbase instance that will link the officially published Navigator app to your own hosted instance
  • Removed Mapbox dependency from Navigator app, and can now use any GPS you want
  • Upgraded all dependencies and frontend now on latest Ember 5.4 which is loaded with performance upgrades

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • leetbase Console now requires Node v18 (upgraded from v16)
  • Patches and fixes to multiple waypoint order creation
  • Critical patches to API
  • Added Helm chart infra for GCP or kubernetes deployments
  • Improvements to UX ~ can now toggle sidebar visibility and better upload UX
  • Critical patch for money input allowing all currencies to be supported

Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Improved responsiveness of console layout and controls
  • Improved control and options over sidebar menu panel's and item components

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Several patches and improvements to data

Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Refined filtering in the management section
  • Applied several patches and improvements in the management section
  • Enhanced the drawer component with state saving capabilities
  • Improved UX and options for <CoordinatesInput /> and other components
  • Extended CrudService with additional fetch parameter support
  • Implemented database schema updates

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Resolved various bug fixes

Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Adds Scheduler Feature to FleetOps
  • Adds Live Map Drawer/ Scope for Map data/resources context

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Bug fixes and improved styling

Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Includes full refactor of fleetops management section

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patches and fixes fuel reports and issues sections
  • Upgrade of dependencies
  • Critical patches

Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Introduces notification system and settings

Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Several bug fixes and patches

Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Refactor <ContextPanel /> component in FleetOps/ & Handling of management resources for Drivers, Vehicles
  • Improvement of <LiveMap /> component refactor
  • Added Visibility Controls for LiveMap to toolbar
  • Added vehicle devices event table/model to track events per device
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Expand upon <ContextPanel /> functionality
  • Patched vehicle devices table and structure/models
  • Fixes reset of branding settings
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Several bug fixes and patches
  • Added LeafletContextmenuService for managing contextmenu's easier
  • Added LeafletMapManagementService for abstracting and managing leaflet map easier
  • Full refactor of <LiveMap /> component and now displays vehicles on map
  • Added <ContextPanel /> component and service for trigger details/editing overlay throughout FleetOps


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Several bug fixes and patches


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Restructure base repo
  • Introduce monorepo extensions


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Added visibility settings to fleet-ops engine
  • Added renderComponentInPlace option for menu items in UniverseService
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Added several patches and fixes
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Added new environment variables to configure console url see CONSOLE_HOST CONSOLE_SUBDOMAIN CONSOLE_SECURE
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • ritical patches of utility functions
  • Patch for consoleUrl utility function
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Introducing new management UI for Drivers, Vehicles and Fleets
  • Ability to assign Vendor to Fleet's
  • Ability to create Sub Fleet's
  • Ability to Assign Vehicles to Fleet
  • Introduces Vehicle devices for telematics integrations
  • Base Integration with Flespi Universal Telematics Gateway, Parser & API (fleetbase/flespi-engine and fleetbase/flespi-integration)
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patches and fixes
  • Updated UniverseService to be able to create custom registry
  • Updated UniverseService to enable component registration to other engines dynamically
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Critical patch which implements isString() request macro
  • Critical patch to use isArray() request macro instead of deprecated/undefined inputIsArray() method


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
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New πŸš€
  • Patch user/company creation timestamp bug #119
  • Patch branding configuration to use secure signed URL for logo and icon
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Added APN Configuration and Testing
  • Added ability for extensions to schedule console commands
  • Added table and model for handling vehicle devices/sensors
  • Added critical console commands which must be scheduled and ran
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Critical Patches and Bug Fixes ! πŸͺ²
  • Updated and cleaned vehicles table/model data structure
  • Critical patches for notification, events, and listeners


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Added a Socket test endpoint for socket testing in Admin
  • Added inArray() utility to \Illuminate\Http\Request ($request->inArray('arrayparam', 'hello'))
  • Added new API to simulate driver on route or order /v1/drivers/{id}/simulate
  • Added ability to filter places by ServiceArea, Zone, as well as dynamic geographic radius from center coordinates


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Fixed consoleUrl utility fn to generate url's for any fleetbase instance (broke storefront invitations)
  • Fix tag input component alignment, added param selectAllColumnWidth to the <Table /> column to set checkbox column `selectAllColumnWidth
  • Fix `Fleetbase\Support\SocketCluserService`` now performs correct handshake
  • Fix \Fleetbase\Http\Requests\FleetbaseRequest`` to properly throw \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException``
  • Upgraded from abandoned textalk/websocket-php`` to phrity/websocket` WebSocket library
  • Fixed FileController and File uploading to handle fielsystem disk assignment
  • File now returns signed URLs for S3/Cloud disks
  • Critical patches to REST handling traits
  • Updated the Fleetbase\Http\Filters\CategoryFilter to handle parent categories
  • Fix Twilio configuration setup
  • Update to the websocket Console in the Developers extension, prettier and easier to use
  • Critical patches to Storefront API
  • Critical patches to Storefront API
  • Added new Operations map feature to view/toggle Places on map
  • Bugfix patch so that active drivers display on Operations map
  • Bugfixes around Storefront Network Management
  • Revamp the Stores in Network management Panel
  • Several bugfixes/critical patches for Storefront
  • ‍


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Added Mobile Responsive Layout
  • Added Internationalization/ Translations (WIP - Full Translation file in v0.1.7)
  • Added Ability to Set default theme in Admin -> Branding
  • Added more initialization options to ThemeService
  • Added Sentry Integration
  • Added More Configuration Tests
  • First Install User Creation now Skips Email Verification Step
  • Improvements to UI/UX CSS Bundling (Lighter build and more flexibility)
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Introduces all UniverseService powered extensions
  • ember-engine extensions must utilized setupExtension() hook
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Critical bug fix in FleetOps for viewing routes in post order creation view
  • Major patches in api's for registering dependent providers
  • Extensions now register themselves to the console via setupExtension() function on the engine.js
  • Extensions can register and listen to events, add menu items and components throughout fleetbase console
  • console/app/router.js is generated using prebuild script which utilizes fleetbase-extensions-indexer to mount extensions dynamically
Notes πŸ“

Hello Fleetbase Family,

Exciting news ahead! We’re supercharged to introduce a major update - presenting Fleetbase v0.1.5! We're always striving to augment your Fleetbase experience, and our latest release is no exception. With a smorgasbord of new features, improvements, and bug fixes, this version promises to make your journey with us even more rewarding.

Firstly, we’re excited to unveil an alpha version of a significant addition to our internal API for building integrated Fleetbase extensions: the UniverseService. Designed to improve the seamless interactions between extensions and the console, this service provides an interface for a whole new range of features. From adding menu items and pages throughout the Console to facilitating custom settings in user, admin, and organization sections - the UniverseService has got you covered. Moreover, it opens up the door for extensions to trigger and listen to events throughout the console.

Imagine customizing an OrderModel upon creation - now a reality with our UniverseService. While this is just the Alpha version with a limited feature set, we're already working on expanding its capabilities. Future releases of the UniverseService will enable powerful customizations and seamless features via "Extensions".

This is only the beginning, and the best is yet to come.

Parallel to the UniverseService, we've updated another internal API - the setupExtension hook on the engine.js. This hook simplifies the registration of your extension and more. It presents the console application instance, your extension engine instance, and the universe service itself to you in one place.

Beyond these robust internal API updates, we've ironed out some bugs to make your experience smoother. Of particular note, we've remedied a glitch in Fleet Ops that disrupted the display route on post-order creation. If you've encountered this bug, the update should rectify the issue.

In conclusion, we're thrilled about the enhancements brought about by v0.1.5 and can't wait for you to experience them. As always, we are eager to hear your feedback. Enjoy the improved Fleetbase experience, and stay tuned for more updates!



New πŸš€
  • Upgraded core dependencies


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patched <DateTimeInput /> component
  • Patched serializePolymorphicType hooks for Order and Entity
  • Patched order creation


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  1. Welcome the IAM Extension: Fleetbase v0.1.3 brings to you a whole new level of control and management with the introduction of the Identity Access Management (IAM) Extension! This new extension offers effortless management of users, groups, roles, and policies. Your power to oversee and regulate access within your instance has never been this easy and secure!
  2. Advanced Permissions and Policies Management: Amplifying our commitment to offer you comprehensive control over your operations, this release enables robust management of permissions and policies for extensions. With this, you can define permissions with utmost granularity, ensuring your team members have precisely the level of access they require.
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  1. Squashing Bugs: We've heard your feedback and tackled those pesky bugs impacting driver creation and updating. With these issues squashed, you're all set to enjoy a smoother, error-free interaction with Fleetbase.
  2. Country Select Gets a Makeover: In Fleetbase v0.1.3, we've amped up the aesthetics with styling improvements for the Country Select function.
  3. OSRM Routing Engine Patch: To enable more regions for routing, we've patched the OSRM Routing Engine Host ENV OSRM_SERVER variable to point to the correct server. This little patch enables routing for: Nigeria, Uganda, South Africa, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Added Branding settings to the Administrator Section


Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Includes critical updates for FleetOps which patches driver creation, updating, and deletion
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Fixes missing icons issue Icons not found #47


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Upgraded dependencies for all core packages and extensions
  • Includes essential patches and Hotfixes
  • Added Extensions placeholder page
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patches <CoordinatesInput /> and Reverse Geocoder
  • Patches order creation, driver creation, and place creation bugs
  • Minor update to simplify ApplicationSerializer
Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
  • Update console with new Dashboard
  • Added Changelog
  • Added new SocketService for handling socket connections and listening
  • New SocketService handles patches secure and unsecure connection flag from .env
  • fleetbase-extensions-indexer now extracts custom fleetbase key from extension packages
  • <Layout::Sidebar /> is now collapsible
  • <Layout::Header /> can now accept custom nav items from arguments
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • Patched <ModelSelect /> component to properly accept and handle customSearchEndpoint arg


Notes πŸ“


New πŸš€
Bug Fixes πŸ› οΈ
  • The patch includes a polyfill for window.crypto.randomUUID which will allow Fleetbase to run on a web environment without SSL setup. Now you can tinker arround without setting up domain and SSL
Notes πŸ“


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